Celebrating 10 Years of ..dno< sound theater The Saint Petersburg and Melbourne-based experimental music project ..dno< sound theater, founded in 2014 by Sergei Tumanov and Denis Sorokin, proudly marks itsContinue readingCelebrating 10 Years of ..dno< sound theater with the new album!
Category: Studio
CONCRETE BLANKET (Australia/Netherlands)
I am happy to announce a new intercontinental collaboration project CONCRETE BLANKET (Australia/Netherlands) which we started together with Egbert van der Vliet just a few months ago and today weContinue readingCONCRETE BLANKET (Australia/Netherlands)
Riverburn – 8: concentrated energy brought together in the debut album!
I’m happy to announce that we finally did it!The new project with an amazing musician Trishay J. Trada, a combination of everything we wanted to play together for a longContinue readingRiverburn – 8: concentrated energy brought together in the debut album!
New album Жертвоприношения [Sacrifices] – The Dead Outnumber is out now!
“This album is very important to me and I am proud to be given the privilege to be part of this band for quite some time. We did a lotContinue readingNew album Жертвоприношения [Sacrifices] – The Dead Outnumber is out now!
New album “More Atonal Echoes” is released now by Grisaille (Germany)!
A sound collage focusing on the interaction between classic acoustic instruments, electronic sound processing and effects, and integration of white noise radio transmissions. This work is part of a seriesContinue readingNew album “More Atonal Echoes” is released now by Grisaille (Germany)!
A new track “fire on a way home” (remixed-composition) for AEMC Records is out!
I am happy to announce my participation in the “Communal Music Vol. 12” compilation which is released by AEMC Records (Netherlands). A track “fire on a way home” is availableContinue readingA new track “fire on a way home” (remixed-composition) for AEMC Records is out!
Ambient-Chaos Studio Live Performance
Dear all, I hope you and your loved ones are all well and safe. I just made a performance for the “Ambient-Chaos Studio Live Performances” series launched by Pas MusiqueContinue readingAmbient-Chaos Studio Live Performance
Zhertvoprinosheniya band released the new album today!
The Sacrifices (Жертвоприношения) band released the new album today! https://zhertvoprinosheniya.bandcamp.com/album/–9 I’m proud to play drums, kärl, and even do some back-vocals for this recording. The release is made in aContinue readingZhertvoprinosheniya band released the new album today!
New track “Forestsine” is released on Poverty Electronics Vol. 6!
New track “Forestsine” by Sergei Tumanov has been released on Poverty Electronics Vol. 6 compilation! Click here to listen/buy the full compilation on Poverty Electronics (USA) Bandcamp.
New EP 2021. is OUT NOW!
New EP with the name “2021.” is out now on Sergei Tumanov’s BANDCAMP page and soon will be also available through all streaming platforms. 2021. EP – click here toContinue readingNew EP 2021. is OUT NOW!